Band Overview
Warrawee Public School has a strong concert band and stage band tradition.
The band has become an integral part of the school and local community providing opportunities for the students of Warrawee to develop their love of music and their musical skills. There are currently three concert bands and one stage band in the program. The concert bands are comprised of Training Band, Intermediate Band and Performance Band. The Stage Band has a strong focus on jazz music for selected students. Students in the Stage Band are also required to be a part of a concert band.
Tuition, regular weekly rehearsals and our annual camp provide the platform for the musical development for 120 young musicians.
Click on this link to access a copy of the Band Program Information Pack
Band Contact
Band Manager: Ben Perche
Why join the Band?
The band provides a friendly and rewarding learning environment in which your child can participate a music program. The Warrawee band program is also known for its high teaching standard.
Together, these two points help children achieve a level of proficiency in playing a musical instrument as well as nurture their enjoyment in music. Being part of the program can aid in raising children's confidence and self-esteem through opportunities to perform in public and for their peers. They are also able to work actively as a team member.
How do you join the Band?
At the end of Year 2, students are asked to indicate if they are interested in joining the band program for the following year. An information evening is held and an application form completed. The band conductor then meets with each student to select the instrument they will play in band. Instruments are chosen on a number of criteria, including what the student would like to play, what instrument they are likely to achieve success on and the number of each instrument needed to have a balanced band.
Students in Years 3-6 can also join the band program at any time while at Warrawee Public School. The band conductor will assess their ability and place them in the appropriate band
Instruments can be hired through the band program for an additional cost or students can source their own instruments. All instruments available for hire through the band program are serviced annually and so are provided to the hirer in good working order. Any additional repairs or service, during the hire period must be discussed and approved by the Band Manager, before the hirer takes the instrument for repair or service.
Instruments offered within the Warrawee Band Program include: flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, cornet, french horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, bass guitar and glockenspiel.
Band Committment
Rehearsals are mandatory and every band student is expected to attend their appropriate rehearsals.
Students are expected to receive private tutoring for their instrument of choice. Attendance at performances, at school or at competitions and festivals outside of school, is also expected.
Please click on the link to the Code of Conduct (pdf 183 KB), which all members are asked to sign upon joining the program.
If a student is unable to attend a rehearsal, the Band Manager must be advised through or through Bandforte.
Private tuition for a student's chosen instrument is expected of every student participating in the band program. Please contact the Band Manager if you require some assistance with finding a tutor. Some tutors come to the school to provide tuition before or after school hours.
The bands play at different school assemblies throughout the year. An afternoon Band Showcase is also held, at the school that provides an opportunity for parents, family and friends to attend and enjoy hearing their children's musical progression.
The bands also play at festivals and competitions outside of school throughout the year. As an example of what to expect, past performances include:
- Wahroonga Music Festival (June)
- NSW School Band Festival at the UNSW (Jul/Aug/Sep)
- Music by Moonlight at Normanhurst West PS (September)
- NSSWE Spring Festival at the Chatswood Concourse (September)
- Hornsby North Festival (October)
Attendance at all performances is expected.
Band Workshop
The Warrawee Band Workshop is an annual event organised and supervised by the P&C and band parents. It is not a school event and Warrawee Public School teachers are not present at this workshop.
Attendance at the band workshop is at the parents' discretion and while the school supports band workshop, those students attending workshop must be marked absent on leave. To this end, band workshop is scheduled to run over one day.
All enquiries about the arrangements for the band workshop, including insurance provisions, your child's medical requirements or special needs requirements, and supervision, should be directed to the Band Manager.
Band Fees
Band is a year long commitment, and band fees are non-refundable. Band fees are payable in Term 4 for the following year. The fees cover conducting costs for all rehearsals and performances, music purchases, administration and entry fees for competitions and festivals. Instrument hire fees go towards their annual service and repair, as well as instrument insurance.
Each family pays their private tutor separately. Individual prices vary but are generally around $40 per half hour lesson.