Events & Community
Tam W & Claire D, email:
We have scheduled a number events during the year, with dates on some events to be confirmed closer to the time. Each event is assigned a year group to host/coordinate. Its a great way to meet new parents and feel connected to the school community.
We would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions for fundraising, social or community events that you would like to organise. Additional events may be added to our calendar depending on suggestions, ideas and volunteers. Please let us know by attending our next P&C meeting or emailing our Events & Community Committee.
All parents and carers are welcome to volunteer to help at any event. Call for helpers will be advertised in the Warraweekly and through Class Parent emails.
You will not only help raise funds for the school, you will build friendships, you will have fun and you will see a smile on your child's face as you take an active role in their school community.